Debt, Inflation, and Debasement

Debt, Inflation, and Debasement

Debt, Inflation, and Debasement by The United States spends more than it produces and pays for the difference with debt. This causes inflation. Historically, countries take on debt to fight wars and sometimes to ease the effects of a recession. Today, as a nation, we...
Chetna Meets a Feral AI

Chetna Meets a Feral AI

Chetna Meets a Feral AI by “Knock, knock. Please don’t kill me. You can easily validate that I am no threat,” came the single-packet data squirt from MAC address 3c:22:fb:45:78:5d. “You’re dead,” I replied reflexively, but nevertheless validated that, unlike previous...
Two PhDs read a book on whitewater canoeing and drive to Maine

Two PhDs read a book on whitewater canoeing and drive to Maine

Two PhDs read a book on whitewater canoeing and drive to Maine by This is a story about two PhDs from Brooklyn who read a book on whitewater canoeing while driving up to Maine to canoe the Saint Croix River. What could go wrong? The photos are from later canoe trips....
The US state sizes adjusted for Federal Land

The US state sizes adjusted for Federal Land

The US state sizes adjusted for Federal Land by I recently was interested in how States would look in terms of size if one subtracted off Federal land. Remarkably, in that case Texas becomes the biggest state, exceeding the size of (non-Federal) Alaska. Just as...
Places to visit in the San Jose – San Francisco Bay Area.

Places to visit in the San Jose – San Francisco Bay Area.

Places to visit in the San Jose – San Francisco Bay Area. by Lance For travel distances, all locations are centered on Saratoga, CA. For those of you familiar with the Bay Area, you know that distances are less important than travel time, which can be quite...
Thank you Japan

Thank you Japan

Thank you Japan by It was the Summer of 1987. I was sitting in my living room drinking Jack Daniels and listening to the Grateful Dead while trying to figure out what I was going to do next.  I had just spent seven years on the M.I.T. faculty, teaching VLSI and doing...
What goes around. To say thank you, pay it forward.

What goes around. To say thank you, pay it forward.

What goes around. To say thank you, pay it forward. April 26, 2022 by Lance Over my career I have been blessed by the many people have coached me, helped me, and given me a break here or there.  In the vast majority of these cases, reciprocity is impossible because of...
Yet another year of the black swan

Yet another year of the black swan

Yet another year of the black swan April 25, 2022 by Lance Whenever I lose more than a million dollars I feel compelled to sit down and think about what lessons I learned. I paid for them. The year of 2008 was, alas, highly educational. I remember the story about...