
Technical Advisory Boards

I was recently asked about the significance and structure of Technical Advisory Boards (TABs) for high-tech companies. Based on my…

11 months ago

Why we hate marketers

Sometimes we hate marketers because they drive us crazy. Here are a couple of examples.

3 years ago

Bah, humbug–reduction in force in the holiday season

What should we make of the Scrooges that wrote out pink slips in the holiday season? RIFs (reduction in force)…

3 years ago

Thank you Japan

Almost two decades after my Japan adventure, one lesson stands out from the rest. In the United States and in…

3 years ago

Silicon Valley melting pot

One of the great strengths of Silicon Valley is its diversity. It is a melting pot for the smartest and…

3 years ago

To boldly go, or the initial iPhone as a minimum viable product archetype

If Apple can launch a smartphone without Find or Cut-and-Paste, what can you cut out of your product requirements? What…

3 years ago

You can have it all: 3 business imperative

Most high-tech businesses have 3 business imperative.  One is continued leveraging of global resources in order to have access to…

3 years ago

Winning business attack strategies against the entrenched competitor

Winning business attack strategies for use against an entrenched competitor

3 years ago

Mommy, it’s not fair! Great business ideas for offense and defense

Great business ideas for offense and defense from interlopers, a topic of interest to those blessed with great businesses as…

3 years ago

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